How To Set Up A Profitable Facebook Advert

We will be having our training by Tuesday 8pm Thanks How To Set Up A Profitable Facebook Advert by Spying and Learning From Sponsored Facebook Ad from Other Advertisers on Your Time Line: I discovered this long time ago The three elements for a successful Facebook Ad is: 1: Your Ad Copy 2: Your Ad Creative(Your Video or Image Used) 3: Your Target Audience If you see an advert on Facebook That is performing well and getting a lot of engagement and comments Follow the illustration below to discover their *Target Audience* From this advert you will see the advertiser is targeting people who are interested in MLM,Herbalife,people with Master Degrees,People age 30 to 55 and peole living in Lagos State Click on why am I seeing this👆 Any time you see an advert on Facebook..Click This Three Dots👆 You will now see what the Advertiser is using to target is audience.. When you click the arrow beside the interest you will now discover *why Facebook...